In celebration of its 18th Year, Star Magic launched its Star Magic Catalogue
2011 yesterday, September 16 at the Powerplant Mall, Rockwell South Court.The Catalouge features Gerald Anderson, Kim Chiu, Enchong Dee, Carmen Soo, Roxanne Guinoo, Gigger Boys (Arron Villaflor, AJ Perez, Sam Concepcion, Robi Domingo and Enrique Gil), Matteo Guidicelli, Tom Rodriguez and other PBB Double Up housemates, Markki Stroem, Young JV, Nel Gomez, Jaco Benin, Franco Daza, Tyron Perez, JM De Guzman, Emmanuelle Vera, Xyriel Manabat, Izzi Canillo, Bugoy CariƱo, and more. Star Magic 2011 Catalogue is now available in magazine stores nationwide for 295 pesos.